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  • Simon's Commission group appointed in November 1927 by the British conservative government under Stanley Baldwin to report on the working of the Indian constitution established by the Government Of Indian Act 1919.
  • The commission came to India in February 1928 and submitted its report  on 24th June 1930.
  • It was condemned by the Indians with slogans "Simon go back" and by observing strikes.
  • It recommended that diarchy should be abolished in provinces.
  • There should be no interference by the center in the administration and legislative work of the provinces.
  • The Franchise in the provincial legislatures should b widened.
  • Communal electorate must be continued.
  • The commission recommended that central assembly should be called "Federal Assembly"
  • The Federal Assembly must be constituted  on the basis of representation of the provinces.
  • The provincial councils must elect the members representing Governor's provinces.
  • The official members of the Federal Assembly should consist of such members of the Governor-general council.
  • These were some of the important recommendations of the Simon's Commission . Though Simon Report was shelved and not considered.
  • But some of its suggestions played a vital role when the act of 1935 was framed.

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