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  • The deadlock in India Policies was continuing due to the refusal to the congress to cooperate.
  • The events of World War II  and specifically Japan's victories created created new international situations.
  • In early 1942, the War situation compelled the British to open talks with the Indian leaders.
  • On March 11, 1942 , Mr. Churchill announced to send Sir Strafford Cripps, the leaders of House of  Commons (England) to India.
  • This is known as the Cripps Mission.
  • The Cripps Mission came to India in March 1942 with a draft declaration of the British Government and began constitutional negotiations.


  • Indian union with a dominion status
  • Constituent Assembly to frame a new constitution.
  • The British government would accept the new constitution with the condition that the province not willing to join the union could have a separate constitution.
  • The post of Governor-general would remain intact and defense of India would remain in British hands.
  • Hence, Mission was sent to seek full support of Indian but Stafford Cripps returned home leaving behind a frustrated and embittered Indian people.
  • Cripps left and returned empty handed on April, 1942.
  • It felt that the existing situation in the country had become intolerable and that the time had come for a final assault on Imperialism.

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